Jacob@MapleAirsoftSupply.ca - Please welcome David to the MAS team. Reach out to him by messaging us on Facebook/IG or the chat box on the website.
Jacob@MapleAirsoftSupply.ca - Please welcome David to the MAS team. Reach out to him by messaging us on Facebook/IG or the chat box on the website.
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Maple Armouries Sorbo Pad for AEG Cylinder Head
Maple Armouries

Maple Armouries Sorbo Pad for AEG Cylinder Head

Regular price $4.95 $0.00 Unit price per

Custom molded in house by Sorbothane Inc. in Kent Ohio, this rubber cushioning pad is designed to fit on the cylinder head to absorb the frontward force of the piston on the gearbox shell when it cycles to propel the BB.

It also acts as a spacer to correct the angle of engagement between the sector gear and the piston rack teeth, ensuring that they engage flatly and distribute the force across the entire tooth.

Sorbothane has special compression properties compared to usual polyurethane rubber that make it a far superior choice for shock absorption. The rubber uniquely compresses to absorb the force and gently releases it in the opposite direction.

It fits inside the aluminium cylinder head on MAS AEG as well as the BCA Sorbo Cylinder Head which we also supply the pads for. It can be glued directly to polymer cylinder heads after removing the original rubber gasket. 

Proudly made in the US with US materials. We requested quotes from a couple dozen rubber manufacturers in the US, Canada, and China and only Sorbothane was suitable.

We are working to include sorbo pads standard on Marauder, Blackout, and Vanguard series AEGs in the future.

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